Feature Pylon
Feature Pylon was a series which ran through Summer 2007,
showcasing some of the more interesting photos.
#5: Oldbury, West Midlands, UK

This photo is from Mike Caddick, of Dynapix Photography
Mike tells me that the photo shows re-working on the pylons just
north of the substation at Junction 2 of the M5, running towards
the old Ocker Hill power station to the west of Wednesbury.
This page will be updated for one more week - keep the photos coming,
and let me know what you think of this feature.
To submit your pylon photos please email pylons@gorge.org and label them
"Summer 2007" - let me know where the picture was taken and anything you like ab
out it.
See all featured pylons:
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |